Girl Gazing at the Sky USB plug-in


Girl Gazing at the Sky


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This 'Girl Gazing at the Sky - Light Painting Wall Art' is a unique home decor piece. In its off-state, it's a minimalist black and white artwork. When lit, a beam of light shines on the girl, adding a dreamy element to your space. This piece blends art and lighting to create an unmatched visual experience.

🌈Experience the magic and elevate your space with our building paint light decorations. Let your walls come alive with a symphony of colors and create an atmosphere that truly reflects your unique style. Don't miss out on this captivating lighting experience!"

🌈 Diverse Light Colors: Highlight the wide range of light colors available, such as seaside, empty house, sunny, autumn, dog basking in the sun, sunset, fireworks, and Changsha. Use visually appealing emojis or graphics to represent each color, making it more engaging and enticing for customers.

🌅 Emphasize the Sunset light color with a sunset emoji to evoke a serene and calming atmosphere.

🌙 Use a crescent moon or night sky emoji to represent the night light functionality, indicating that the lights can provide a soothing and gentle glow during nighttime.

💡 Eye-Catching Design: Emphasize the modern and minimalist style of the lights, which adds a contemporary and sophisticated touch to any space. Use relevant emojis or visuals that represent modern design elements to convey the aesthetic appeal of the lights.



Material: Acrylic,  Wood

  • Size: 24×18cm / 9.4×7.1in, 30×25cm / 12.9×9.4in
  • Weight: 390g / 13.4oz, 590g / 20.8oz
  • Lamp Source: LED 3 colors light (Cool light / Natural light / Warm light)
  • Voltage: less than 36V
  • Switch Type: USB Plug with Dimmable button



Eis Firma schéckt weltwäit. Eis Versandoptiounen enthalen international an heemlech Versand mat Tracking. D'Verschécken Tariffer gi festgeluegt vu wou Dir bestellt.


WAT SINN ÄR Liwwerzäiten a Veraarbechtungszäiten?

Standard Versandzäiten: 

USA a Kanada: 8-18 Deeg

Australien, NZ & Ozeanien: 8-18 Deeg

Europa & UK: 8-18 Deeg

Latäinamerika: 15-30 Deeg

Asien: 8-18 Deeg


Aner Länner: 11-45 Deeg


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Ufro zréck Käschten
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3. Retour Versandkäschte gëtt vum Keefer bezuelt.