Naruto - 3D Art Naruto - 3D Art 66x33cm Naruto - 3D Art Naruto - 3D Art


Naruto - 3D Art


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The "Naruto 3D Paper Art Stereo Light Painting" is a visually captivating artwork that combines the art of paper crafting, 3D effects, and dynamic lighting. This unique piece showcases Uchiha Itachi, a significant character from the Naruto series, known for his mysterious and powerful presence.

What makes this piece truly remarkable is the addition of dynamic lighting. Integrated LED lights are strategically placed within the artwork, illuminating specific elements such as the Sharingan, creating a mesmerizing glow and enhancing the overall visual impact. The interplay of light and shadow adds depth and dimension to the artwork, bringing Itachi to life in a unique and captivating way.

The Naruto 3D Paper Art Stereo Light Painting not only serves as an artistic homage to Itachi but also as a decorative piece that can be showcased in various settings. Whether displayed in a living room, bedroom, or dedicated collector's space, it becomes a focal point that captures attention and sparks conversation. It is an excellent choice for fans of the Naruto series and admirers of Naruto character, offering a visually stunning representation of this iconic figure.




Allow us to take the longest process due all item is hand-craft

Material: Acrylic, Wood

  • Size: 66 x 33CM
  • Weight: 650g / 23oz, 
  • Lamp Source: LED  colors light 
  • Voltage: 5V
  • Switch Type: USB Plug with remote control



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