Portgas D. Ace - 3D Art Portgas D. Ace - 3D Art Portgas D. Ace - 3D Art


Portgas D. Ace - 3D Art


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It appears that there might be confusion in the description you provided. The name "Porgas D Ace" is not related to the character Zoro from the "One Piece" series. Instead, "Portgas D. Ace" is a completely different character from the same series.

Let's clarify the information:

  1. Portgas D. Ace: Portgas D. Ace, commonly referred to as Ace, is a prominent character in the manga and anime series "One Piece." He is the older brother of Monkey D. Luffy, the main protagonist, and the son of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Ace is a powerful and hot-headed pirate who possesses the ability to control fire through the use of the Mera Mera no Mi Devil Fruit.

  2. Zoro: Roronoa Zoro, commonly known as Zoro, is another significant character in the "One Piece" series. As mentioned earlier, he is a skilled swordsman and a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, led by Monkey D. Luffy. Zoro is known for his three-sword style and unwavering dedication to becoming the world's greatest swordsman.

  3. "Porgas D Ace 3D Paper Art Light Painting": Assuming there was a mix-up in the name or description, this artwork likely features Portgas D. Ace, not Zoro. The artwork, as described, combines paper crafting techniques, 3D effects, and dynamic lighting to create a visually captivating piece featuring the character Ace.

In summary, "Porgas D Ace 3D Paper Art Light Painting" showcases the character Portgas D. Ace from the "One Piece" series. It brings together various artistic techniques to create a unique and visually engaging portrayal of the fiery and powerful pirate. Fans of "One Piece" would likely appreciate such a creative and innovative tribute to one of the series' beloved characters.

s character through a mix of paper crafting techniques, three-dimensional design, and skillful use of lighting. It's an innovative way to celebrate the beloved character and showcase the artist's creativity and talent in blending various art forms.




Allow us to take the longest process due all item is hand-craft

Material: Acrylic, Either Plastic or Wood

  • Size: 66 x 33CM
  • Weight: 650g / 23oz, 
  • Lamp Source: LED  colors light 
  • Voltage: 5V
  • Switch Type: USB Plug with remote control



Eis Firma schéckt weltwäit. Eis Versandoptiounen enthalen international an heemlech Versand mat Tracking. D'Verschécken Tariffer gi festgeluegt vu wou Dir bestellt.


WAT SINN ÄR Liwwerzäiten a Veraarbechtungszäiten?

Standard Versandzäiten: 

USA a Kanada: 8-18 Deeg

Australien, NZ & Ozeanien: 8-18 Deeg

Europa & UK: 8-18 Deeg

Latäinamerika: 15-30 Deeg

Asien: 8-18 Deeg


Aner Länner: 11-45 Deeg


Et dauert heiansdo 2-5 Deeg fir Bestellungen ze veraarbecht nodeems se se placéiert hunn, ier se verschéckt kënne ginn.

Eis Operatioun:

Vun Méindes bis Freides Nëmmen. D'Veraarbechtungszäit ass net Samschdes a Sonndeg abegraff.



Dir sollt eng E-Mail Notifikatioun vun eis kréien, déi Iech eng Trackingnummer ubitt wann Är Artikele verschéckt ginn.

Dir musst Iech keng Suergen maachen wann Dir keng Tracking Nummer kritt hutt oder wann et net funktionnéiert. Schéckt eis eng E-Mail a mir fixen et!
Schéckt eis eng E-Mail op support@ainuua.com wann Dir méi detailléiert Informatiounen braucht.



Et ass méiglech datt d'Liwwerung méi laang dauert wéi d'Versandzäiten, déi hei uginn sinn a bestëmmte Fäll. Kontaktéiert eis wann Äre Package méi laang dauert wéi soss fir ze kommen, a mir maachen eist Bescht fir all Themen ze léisen déi mir fäeg sinn ze kontrolléieren.



Et kann zousätzlech Steier- an / oder Zollkäschte ginn wann eng Bestellung op Är Plaz kënnt. Mir bezuelen net all zousätzlech Steieren an Zollkäschten.

DE Client muss eng gëlteg ADRESS AN KONTAKT Liwweren

D'Clientë mussen d'Verantwortung iwwerhuelen wann se eng ongëlteg Adress oder Kontaktnummer ausfëllen. Mir bezuelen keng zousätzlech Versandkäschte fir d'Elementer op Är Plaz nei ze schécken.

Ufro zréck Käschten
1. Elementer kritt bannent 30 Deeg aus der Liwwerung Datum.
2. Artikele kritt onbenotzt, onbeschiedegt, an am Original Pak.
3. Retour Versandkäschte gëtt vum Keefer bezuelt.