Zoro - 3D Art Zoro - 3D Art Zoro - 3D Art


Zoro - 3D Art


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The description of the "Zoro 3D Paper Art Light Painting" sounds intriguing and visually captivating. It appears to be an artwork that combines multiple artistic techniques to create a unique and dynamic representation of the character Zoro from the popular manga and anime series "One Piece."

Let's break down the key elements of this artwork:

  1. Paper Crafting: Paper crafting is a versatile art form that involves cutting, folding, and manipulating paper to create intricate designs and shapes. In the context of the "Zoro 3D Paper Art Light Painting," it likely means that the artwork is made primarily from paper, and the artist has used advanced paper-cutting techniques to bring out the details of the character.

  2. 3D Effects: The use of 3D effects implies that the artwork goes beyond a traditional flat representation of Zoro. Instead, it likely incorporates layered elements, giving the artwork a sense of depth and dimensionality. This could mean that certain parts of the artwork might appear to pop out, enhancing the visual impact of the piece.

  3. Dynamic Lighting: Lighting plays a crucial role in any artwork, setting the mood and highlighting specific aspects of the subject. In this case, "Light Painting" suggests that the artwork might incorporate dynamic lighting techniques. It could be illuminated from specific angles, creating shadows and highlights that enhance the overall visual appeal of the piece.

  4. Zoro: Zoro is one of the main characters from the manga and anime series "One Piece," created by Eiichiro Oda. He is a skilled swordsman and a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his three-sword fighting style and unwavering determination. His mysterious and powerful presence has made him a fan-favorite character in the series.

Combining these elements, the "Zoro 3D Paper Art Light Painting" likely presents a striking and intricate portrayal of Zoro, capturing the essence of his character through a mix of paper crafting techniques, three-dimensional design, and skillful use of lighting. It's an innovative way to celebrate the beloved character and showcase the artist's creativity and talent in blending various art forms.




Allow us to take the longest process due all item is hand-craft

Material: Acrylic, Either Plastic or Wood

  • Size: 66 x 33CM
  • Weight: 650g / 23oz, 
  • Lamp Source: LED  colors light 
  • Voltage: 5V
  • Switch Type: USB Plug with remote control



Eis Firma schéckt weltwäit. Eis Versandoptiounen enthalen international an heemlech Versand mat Tracking. D'Verschécken Tariffer gi festgeluegt vu wou Dir bestellt.


WAT SINN ÄR Liwwerzäiten a Veraarbechtungszäiten?

Standard Versandzäiten: 

USA a Kanada: 8-18 Deeg

Australien, NZ & Ozeanien: 8-18 Deeg

Europa & UK: 8-18 Deeg

Latäinamerika: 15-30 Deeg

Asien: 8-18 Deeg


Aner Länner: 11-45 Deeg


Et dauert heiansdo 2-5 Deeg fir Bestellungen ze veraarbecht nodeems se se placéiert hunn, ier se verschéckt kënne ginn.

Eis Operatioun:

Vun Méindes bis Freides Nëmmen. D'Veraarbechtungszäit ass net Samschdes a Sonndeg abegraff.



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Ufro zréck Käschten
1. Elementer kritt bannent 30 Deeg aus der Liwwerung Datum.
2. Artikele kritt onbenotzt, onbeschiedegt, an am Original Pak.
3. Retour Versandkäschte gëtt vum Keefer bezuelt.